Cup-a-Bug Net Worth Shark Tank Update

Do you know how to deal with unexpected guests, who even after waiting for a long time don’t leave your home? Handling unexpected “guests” like bugs—especially cockroaches—can be tricky. Even though they are usually harmless, they are definitely not welcome in most homes and can make people feel uncomfortable when they are scurrying around. Many people end up trying to get rid of them by squashing them, but that’s a harsh approach, and there are better ways to deal with these unwelcome visitors.

Justin Huang, the owner of Cup-a-Bug, has introduced a safe way to get rid of bugs. The product is a way to catch a bug rather than to kill it by holding the socket over it and pulling the handle back. This automatically places a lid below them and you can safely put the bugs in nature. The product is designed with a long handle and a tilting socket, making it easy to catch bugs not just on the floor but also on walls and even ceilings.

It also comes with a small brush that helps reach into tight corners, making it simpler to pull bugs out from difficult spots and catch them more easily.

The owner came on Shark Tank to request $50K in exchange for 10% in his company. He also gave a live demo of the working mechanism of the Cup-a-Bug to highlight its functionality. Let’s see if he got the deal or not.

Cup-a-Bug Net Worth Shark Tank Update

Justin was looking for an investment of $50k in exchange for 10% equity in the company. At the time of the episode, he valued his company at $500k. Justin successfully secured a deal with Mark Cuban for an investment of $75k for 20% equity in the company. The investment adjusted the company’s net worth to around $375k. After the show aired, the company experienced a good boost in exposure. As per my rough estimate, the current net worth of Cup-a-Bug in 2024 is around $3.5 million.

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Shark(s) nameOffer & DemandCounterofferAccepted?
Kevin O’Leary$50K for 10% equity$60K for 30% equityNo
Mark Cuban$50K for 10% equity$75K for 20% equityYes
Lori GreinerOutN\AN\A
Robert HerjavecOutN\AN\A
John DaymondOutN\AN\A

The Owners’ Backstory

Justin Huang has a degree in mechanical engineering. After graduating, he started working with his dad, focusing on designing electric motors. As he gained experience, Justin also began to expand his engineering knowledge by taking free online courses. This extra studying gave him the skills and confidence to design his own invention, called the Cup-a-Bug.

His idea for the Cup-a-Bug came from his own fear of bugs, but also from a sense of compassion for them—he wanted a way to handle bugs without harming them.

Initial Pitch

The owner came on the show to seek $50K for a 10% equity stake in his company. His product is a bug catcher that safely transfers them out of our homes without harming them. The product comes with a long handle and tilting socket that helps to catch bugs not only on the floor but also on walls and ceilings. The product also has a small brush to pull the bugs out of the strict corners to make them easier to catch in a delicate way.

Queries about the Product

Cuban asked the first question about the cost of making the product and its selling price. Justin pointed out that it sells for $40 and it costs him $10 to make and then an additional $7 to ship it.

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Herjavec inquired about his sales. The owner highlighted that he initially did a Kickstarter campaign where he sold around 800 units, making a total of $28K in sales.

Lori then asked about the year of his Kickstarter. He related that it was in March of the previous year. Moreover, his first production run started this year in June and has sold around 1200 units of the bug catcher, making $48K in sales.

 Cuban asked Justin about other products he had designed. Justin explained that he had created a variety of items, including accessories for board games, planters, and desk organizers. For the Shark Tank presentation, he also brought a special bug catapult he had made just for the sharks, along with his latest invention.

Shark’s Response and Final Decision

Cuban offered him $50K for 20% equity in his company.

Daymond also offered Justin $50K for a 20% equity stake, just like Cuban.

Mark then revised his offer to $75K for 20% of his company and entrepreneurial experience. Finally, Justin accepted Cuban’s offer and left the set with a shark by his side.

Product’s Availability

There is no clear proof yet that Cuban’s deal has officially closed. Meanwhile, the Cup-a-Bug website has been updated and now includes helpful instructional videos and plenty of quirky, bug-themed content. There is even a “bug gallery” where fans can share photos of the bugs they have caught in their homes. Since the show appeared, the website has had a full makeover.

Justin’s TikTok account has gained a huge following with over 100,000 followers and over 11M “likes.” Due to high demand, Justin completely sold out of inventory and, as of June 2024, has switched to a pre-order system, with new orders expected to ship in September 2024.

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The product is available on the  Cup-A-Bug website 


The Cup-a-Bug has gained huge attention for its unique approach to dealing with bugs, especially since Justin’s appearance on Shark Tank, where he secured a deal with Cuban for $75K and 20% equity. Although there is no confirmation that the deal officially closed, Cup-a-Bug’s popularity has still increased. Justin’s TikTok following has grown to over 100,000 with 11M “likes,” and his website now features instructional videos and a “bug gallery” where fans share their own catches. Due to high demand, the product quickly sold out, with pre-orders available for later deliveries.